Types of Content for Digital PR

Digital marketing has mostly taken over the marketing world. However, one of the elements of traditional marketing that is missing from most businesses nowadays is public relations. You might assume that you do not need PR as long as you have a good online marketing strategy that will reach a significant number of clients.

The good news is that there is now digital PR. This is a modern tactic used by brands to increase their online presence by building relationships with online content writers, journalists, and clients.

Digital PR, when handled by a digital marketing agency based in Phoenix or any other city, will increase your brand’s online visibility and reach. This effect will consequently boost your visibility on search engines, improve your brand’s credibility, and boost your conversion rates. The key to reaping the returns available in a well-executed digital PR strategy lies in using the right content.

The following are the digital marketing content types that will work well for your company.

Live Streaming Video

Live streaming is now available on most social media platforms and it enables you to reach your target audience in real time. This feat was only possible through live TV coverage in the past, which was expensive and you had no guaranteed returns. In live streaming videos, you can now invite all people who could not make it physically to your event to follow it online. The live-streamed videos will also have highlights afterward, allowing you to reach those who could not tune in during the event.

Controversial Content

News on a tabletNot everyone on online platforms will agree with some of the happenings worldwide. If you have a trending controversial topic that touches on something your service or product deals with, tap into the publicity by churning an article on your thoughts. Controversial content is effective for reaching a vast online audience but only when handled tactfully. Ensure that your two cents on a controversial point paints your brand in the best light and only brings positive PR for your brand.


Guest blogging and reaching out to influential bloggers to get content for your site are among strategies you can use to boost your online reputation. You cannot just reach out to anyone running a blog to guest blog for your site. Get a niche blogger relevant to your company and guest blog for relevant sites so that you only harness quality backlinks to your site. The blog posts will paint you as a thought leader in your circles and boost your online reputation.

Digital Newsletters and Magazines

This strategy works for brands with a strong online following and serves to boost awareness of your brand. You can include your company’s activities and informational rather than promotional content on the newsletters to impact your PR. Rather than sending the newsletters to everyone and getting them labeled as spam, have a mailing list that interested parties can sign up for the magazines and newsletters.

The above forms of digital PR content, unlike traditional PR, have several metrics for measuring their success. Google analytics and a range of online tools are among the available tools used for measuring these metrics. This allows you to change your campaigns to increase your revenue from digital PR.

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