You Need OEM Replacement Parts for Your Car

You know it. No level of car maintenance can assure you that you will never need to replace parts. Over time, you will require replacing a part or even an entire system of your Volkswagen car. You need to keep your car safe for use and roadworthy. If you are lucky enough, these replacements will be to cover for natural wear on the car parts. But still, it’s best that you also prepare for the worst…a crash. Whichever the case, you will need to choose between using aftermarket car products and OEM parts. For, the latter, you, mostly, will have to source them from an official Volkswagen dealership in Auckland, NZ, unless you will be importing them from the manufacturer. But, why all that hustle while you can get genuine Volkswagen parts locally?

That aside, how about aftermarket car products? It’s a choice, too, even a cheaper option than genuine parts. Yes. But, it’s one that is rather odd for anyone that values the general performance of their vehicle as the parts are non-genuine. So, what options do you have? Would you instead spend more on that genuine part, or opt for an aftermarket car product?


Like other major car purchases, one can make, buying a car requires the dealer to offer you a warranty. The warranty is valid for a specified duration of time and is useful for any problems that may arise during that time. The manufacturer sorts any issues that may occur during that time without creating a bill for you. When you choose to get replacement parts for repair purposes instead of original parts, you risk losing the warranty. That is because the aftermarket car parts are not original and the car is not as it was. However, the rule may not apply for all the warranties. Check with your car manufacturer to avoid nullifying the car warranty.


Man driving a carRoad accidents are among the leading causes of death in the country. Thus, when on the road, safety becomes a top concern for both motorists and pedestrians. When fitting cars with aftermarket car parts, you are at risk of road-related accidents and could end up putting other motorists at risk. That is true because not all the aftermarket parts are ideal for your car model. They will fail in coordinating correctly with the other parts of the car.


The difference between non-genuine and genuine parts is the manner of manufacturing of the parts. For the genuine parts, their manufacturing is in the factories that manufacture your Volkswagen cars as well. By design, non-genuine parts should fit different types of cars and various models. As a result, genuine parts are more efficient in operation than the non-genuine parts.

Whether to purchase OEM or aftermarket car parts is a choice that most Volkswagen car owners deliberate on. But, the above highlights why you’d instead opt to spend that extra money and get genuine parts. Still, you will require considering the following: Can you use both? How much will it save you? How much will the vehicle replacement part make your Volkswagen car roadworthy again? And, can you get all your car parts replacement from your local dealership? Are they the official Volkswagen dealership in Auckland, NZ? With the right answers to these questions, you will make an informed decision on how much that genuine car part is worth spending on. But, the bottom line remains: Genuine parts guarantee quality and safety.

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