Business Marketing Know-How: The Basics of Media Placement

Ads and some below-the-line marketing efforts are among the things that ensure your business can maintain its reputation. They help attract new customers, and they make sure that your message is known. But an advertising campaign does not end at the creatives. The story of your brand is surely enticing and exciting, but you have to beef up your strategy to make sure that your message is broadcast efficiently and effectively. In this regard, you need to invest in media placement. A lot of strategies should go into this aspect, as it helps to make sure that your message is conveyed across your target audience. The world will never know your creativity and business objectives if your ads are placed in the wrong spots.

You may think that media placement is utterly simple. But a lot of procedures constitute it. And you better have an idea how each of this aspect works. Below are some of the things you need to keep in mind:

The Production Phase: Talking About the Format

Media placement procedures may start at the production phase, depending on your campaign. But you have to make sure that the ad you will be placing is only of the utmost quality. With that, you need to consider the specs and formats of your material. If you are launching a TV commercial, know the requirements of the network or media outfit you will work with—from aspect ratio to the audio format of the material. When you are planning to release a billboard, get the measurements of the holding structure and consider the colours of the visuals. Relay these specs to your provider of large format printing services.

Media Planning

Smart tv and hand pressing remote control

You just do not place the ads. There should be a strategy behind it. This is why media planning is essential. Media planners mine insights from consumers and use these to determine the right media where you can place your ads. They decide which time slot your TV commercial or radio commercial should go into. They determine which parts of the metro will allow your billboards and posters to get optimal exposure.

Media Buying

Once the media planners have already had placement choices, the media buyers will then talk to the owners of media real estate to lease the space. This is not as simple as it seems because a lot of businesses are competing with one another to get that particular space. In this regard, it is expected that the media buyer you will work with is skilled in negotiations.

Your Metrics

Before you place your ads in chosen optimal places, you should have already set your metrics. Doing this will determine if your media placement and ad creatives are effective. The metrics may cover the following: brand recall, sales, and engagement (when it comes to online placements).

Media placements are essential in ensuring that your business message reaches the right people. Many businesses have somewhat failed in this aspect, thinking that it is easy to execute. You need assistance and help from reliable professionals.

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