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April 15, 2019

freight ship engineer
Property Ventures
Adam Austin

Get A Bigger Slice Of The Heavy Transportation Sector

A boom in the construction sector spells good news for contractors and the businesses that supply them with construction material. With the right approach, you can give your transport business an edge and grow your customer base. Fitting your trailers with a sliding axle tipulator is a great way to gain an edge in the

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A line of employees smiling
Adam Austin

Here’s How to Motivate Employees: Know More About Their Generation

What’s the secret to motivating employees? Simple: Know them well. When you know what makes them curious, interested, and passionate, you’ll be able to plan your corporate programs better and improve relationships with them further. Part of knowing your team is being familiar with their generational preferences. Remember that your employees’ worldviews are influenced by

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patio within a home garden
Property Ventures
Adam Austin

Patio Makeover: How to Make It Kid-Friendly

For many grown-ups, a patio is a place where they can bond with friends and talk about grown-up topics. For some kids, on the other hand, it may feel like a forbidden area that is exclusive to adults who want an escape from the daily vicissitudes of life. But there should be no monopoly of

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